
This new Sivyer website is under construction. We thank you for your patience while new pages, links and features are added. When complete, this site will provide comprehensive information about Sivyer, our history, products, services, operating areas, key associations and interests moving forward. If you have any questions or feedback, regarding this site or any aspect of the company, please contact the Quality Manager using the contact form facility provided.

H Sivyer (Transport) Limited are based in south east London and operate depots in Greenwich, Farnham and Oxford. Our core business is waste management, in support of which we offer a range of services to the utility industry. These services include; waste removal or “muck away” and the production, haulage and delivery of recycled aggregates, primary aggregates and hydraulically bound materials. We also provide a range of innovative and flexible haulage logistics solutions; to include plant and Large Goods Vehicle rental.